While searching on the Internet, you may have noticed the Google +1 button. This is a relatively new feature added by the search engine giant. By clicking the +1 button, users provide their stamp of approval to Web pages. Word will quickly spread to others in your business and professional networks, encouraging them to visit the page you approved. This tiny button and the new Google + Network are fast becoming powerful Internet marketing tools.

How Does The Google +1 Button Work

Whenever they see the +1 button after an item on the search results list, users can click it if they approve of the link. This is similar to sharing something on Facebook or Twitter. When their contacts and friends search Google, they may see the blue +1, allowing them to identify the best sites on the Web. Users can also share their +1 immediately by adding a comment and sending the item to interested parties in their Google+ network.

All the +1s a user selects are saved in a special tab on the person’s pubic Google profile. This information can either be hidden or displayed to other Google users. It serves as a personal holding place for all the sites a person enjoys on the Web. With the +1 button, it is easy for consumers to spread the word about something they like online.

How Business Owners Can Benefit From Google +1

Business owners can incorporate the +1 button into their Web site by downloading the code from Google. They can also customize their Google +Snippet, a brief description of the content. When users click the +1 button on the site, this page is added their Google + profile for all to see. The pages provided a +1 by social connections also appear beneath search results and ads during a Google search.

In addition to Google search results, a +1 can be added next to news site articles, streamed information, and Google ads. Even if users do not publicly share their +1 tab and do not share the site with anyone on Google+, the +1s are visible to others viewing the same content. This allows a business to make its presence known even if users are not voluntarily spreading the word.

Experts are already weighing in on the impact of the +1 button for search engine rankings. According to some research, it is more popular for retailers than the Twitter or Facebook share buttons. When Google determines search engine rankings, +1 votes play a role. The +1 stats are available in Google Webmaster Tools, showing site owners how many users have clicked the +1 button and the impact it has made on search engine traffic.