social media marketing

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The Benefits of Using Social Media Platforms for Small Business Marketing

How You Can Use Small Business Social Media One thing all small business owners need to realize… you need to be active on social media. Even if you feel as though your business would not benefit from using social media marketing, it is important to know that your competitors are likely using this media platform [...]

By |2017-05-05T16:38:28-05:00December 8th, 2015|Social Media Marketing|Comments Off on The Benefits of Using Social Media Platforms for Small Business Marketing

Social Media Marketing—Getting Your Business Noticed on Twitter

Tweet, Tweet…do you hear that? It is the sound of Twitter calling your business. This social networking site has become an excellent way for a business to get noticed online. Small businesses face a huge amount of competition these days and setting your company apart from the rest requires some creative techniques. Twitter may be [...]

By |2017-05-05T16:38:29-05:00October 24th, 2012|blog, Social Media Marketing|Comments Off on Social Media Marketing—Getting Your Business Noticed on Twitter

Why Google+ Is Important to the Success of Your Website

Never content to rest on its laurels, Google released the Google+ identity and social networking service in September 2011. The response has been amazing, with millions of people already enrolled. Despite this, most account holders seem to be ignoring their membership. In January 2012, each user spent an average of only 3.3 minutes with the [...]

By |2017-05-05T16:38:29-05:00May 23rd, 2012|blog, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing|Comments Off on Why Google+ Is Important to the Success of Your Website

What is Pinterest?

The online world allows us to find nearly anything we want by typing relevant words into a small box on a search engine. We can share information with people around the world without having to leave our desk chair. The mind boggles at the power we can wield through the Internet as consumers and business [...]

By |2017-05-05T16:38:29-05:00February 29th, 2012|blog, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing|Comments Off on What is Pinterest?

How to Use Twitter

Learning how to use twitter is yet another way for consumers and businesses to increase their online presence. Any business that has not yet joined Twitter should do so immediately. Without a Twitter account, a company is failing to connect with over 200 million people, many of whom could be potential customers. It only takes [...]

By |2017-05-05T16:38:29-05:00February 8th, 2012|blog, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing|Comments Off on How to Use Twitter
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